4/28/2020 On Thursday, April 16th, I had a quick little jaunt up to Huntsman for an infusion. Unfortunately, due to visitor policy during the COVID-19 pandemic, Kim was unable to go with me. Well, she could have come with me,…
Infusion and Radiation
4/7/2020 On Thursday, April 2nd, I had quite the day. I had two infusions scheduled along with targeted radiation for my brain. On top of that, all visitors were prohibited from entering the hospital, which meant I was tackling it…
Radiation Prep and Infusions
4/7/2020 On March 18th and 19th, I had two busy days up north with Kim! My brain MRI on February 20th showed growth in four tumors and the decision had been made to move forward with targeted radiation on those…
3/17/2020 One of my favorite parts about this journey with cancer was sitting at our booth for the events and handing out wristbands. I absolutely loved visiting with people and hearing their stories. It was definitely one of the highlights….
We got insurance approval!
3/17/2020 Some of you might remember what happened during the Summer… New brain tumors had grown and we tried to get approval for targeted radiation on the new tumors. Unfortunately, because the tumors in my body were out of control,…
2/20 Brain MRI and Infusion
3/17/2020 On Thursday, February 20th, I headed up north with Kim and Josie in tail. Jo had an MRI of her hip scheduled (She will likely need surgery on her hip come summer time…) and she was tagging along for…