3/21/2022 Days feel like weeks but weeks feel like days.. SO TRUE! I can’t believe how fast this week has flown by! At the end of each day as we reflect on the day one of us always says, “That…
Additional Treatments
10/26/2018 Well… It’s been a little while since I’ve posted. Life got slightly hectic for a minute there, but things seem to be slowing down a little bit. We just had end of the year banquets the last couple of…
Got Juice???
10/5/2018 Ryan drinks a green drink for healing every night before bed that has Romaine lettuce, Spinach, Celery, Mint leaves, and Ginger. UGHHHH! NASTY! I have been having so much fun with this juicing thing….. 2 bags of carrots, lettuce,…
A New Bump!
10/3/2018 So, I woke up yesterday morning and discovered a ping-pong sized lump on my upper back. It seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Three thoughts came to mind… 1. It’s a knot. I oftentimes have several knots on my back,…
The Daily Grind…
10/3/2018 So I’ve mentioned I was put on a “treatment” many times. I thought I’d share what my daily treatment entails. It’s not a terribly difficult regimen, but it certainly keeps me busy every day. I’m constantly paying attention to…
“I can live with cancer, but not without my teeth!!!”
10/2/2018 For those of you who know Ryan well, you know that Ryan takes very, VERY good care of his teeth! He has never had a cavity and would have a meltdown if he did! He faithfully flosses, mouthwashes, and…