Hello everybody hope you are having a wonderful week! Star is doing amazing! This week has had some sad points, but overall we had a pretty good!
I’d like to start off this email by sharing a miracle! When we were daily planning yesterday we were having a hard time deciding what word to go to. Because we have six wards it can bring tricky to balance it all out. We decided to go to second ward until we were walking out the door I remembered that the Perish family would be in first ward and I had a strong impression to go there. We prayed that God would allow us a quiet peaceful moment to talk to her and set up a return appointment. As we pulled into the church driveway I said, NO WAY! Naturally my companion freaked out WHAT!? A few parking spaces away from ours was the Perish family. There was no cars or people in sight. We were able to have an awesome conversation and set up another time where we could visit this week. The Parish family is a mom and daughter who are investigating the church with member friends. Now we get to be involved! God allowed us an opportunity to talk to them. Perfect timing!
Speaking about menber work… We have a big push in our mission to involve the members more! We have been involved in many trainings this week on how to help this idea come to life. We have been trying it this week and let me be the first to tell you that it is hard!! It’s hard because it takes time and time is so precious. I have a testimony that members are a tool on God’s team and that is my responsibility to teach them. 1/10 gets baptized if introduced by members but 1/125 gets baptized one found by a missionary. This just goes to show that members are important! If you have neighbors around you or friends I encourage you to become share the gospel!
The sad news: Sister Jackson and I lost 5 people this week. 5 people decided that this gospel wasn’t for them. Our hearts broke into a million pieces. This is the hard part of missionary work! Its not the countless rejections we get everyday or the rude comments but the relationships we have to walk away from. That is the toughest part, but that being said I’m super hopeful and I know God is aware of us! He helped carry that weight this week. The Atonement of Christ is real and I know that to be true.
Lastly EXCHANGES! I went to Emmett with sister Tapia. She is from Peru and has only been here for a few weeks! She is inspiring, her English is amazing! I had to talk slower and had to play charades a few times but I couldn’t be more proud of her. The gift of tongs is a real thing and I am so greatful I was able to be with her this week. She taught me how to be brave. She is scared but that doesn’t hold her back!
Have a great week! Love you all!
– My cute comp!!
– just for fun pictures
– the sisters in our district
– I sent the stich to our sisters this week and said #thelifeofamissionary they laughed
– Sister Tapia!